*Eagle* Petrol Lighter
*Eagle* Petrol Lighter

*Eagle* Petrol Lighter


Art. No. 10057180

Pas encore d’avis.

PVC 64,90 € 2
44,99 € 1

*Eagle* Petrol Lighter GARVUR BROSSÉ 2003979

Free as an eagle, that's what you are on your motorbike. Swing into your saddle, rev up and look forward to a few nice laps. Always with you: your original Zippo *Eagle* with the high-quality eagle embossing.
  • Classic petrol lighter
  • original Zippo
  • Chrome, brushed
  • with eagle embossing
  • Ignites in wind and weather
  • Dimensions (D x W x H): approx. 1 x 3.5 x 5.5 cm
By the way:
Fits perfectly in the leather Zippo belt pouch (10014873)
Fabricant: Zippo GmbH | Hohenzollernstraße 11-13 | 40211 Düsseldorf | Germany | +4928227134100 | shop.de@zippo.com | www.zippo.de
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